Who We Are

Discover the ingredients of our value proposition.

Generate value for people through food innovation.

Lead the way in innovations in dairy production and supply.

Be indispensable in the daily lives of our customers.

• Collaboration
• Trust
• Efficiency
• Excellence

Governance / Compliance

Tangará is a company that operates based on ethical values.

We understand that credibility and reputation are the most important assets in a company. Therefore, shareholders, managers and employees know, are committed to and spread the values that are fundamental to the company, such as transparency, honesty, trust and respect.

Code of Conduct and Ethics


• Collaboration
• Trust
• Efficiency
• Excellence

Company policies:

• Male-female equality
• Racial equality
• No nepotism
• Sustainability

Confidential channel (ombudsman)

Channel for reporting deviations in ethical behavior and/or non-compliance with the guidelines of our Code of Conduct and Ethics. Safe, confidential and anonymous reporting, as appropriate.

All reports are analyzed and investigated impartially and without conflict of interest.

Contact: ouvidoria@tangarafoods.com.br

Learn about our history

Our Achievements and Certifications

The best prize we can get is the satisfaction of our customers. And it's the effort to always seek the best that allows us to celebrate important achievements.

Food Safety

At Tangará, we prioritize the safety of the food we produce and this is why we maintain strict quality standards linked to processes of production control and management.

To maintain the high standard of our products, we have the Manufacturing Excellence Program (PEF), which is based on indicators and processes that guarantee standardization and quality in the manufacturing of products.

All of this, combined with dedicated professionals who guarantee the compliance with all standards.